Selling Retirement SALE! 4/7 5*s DS and LS 5*s Skill 40 4*s and 3*s 4/7s and 8/15

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mwrig1, 10/19/14.

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  1. mwrig1

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    Entire Account Sale! Everything must GO! LV 81 Great DS 5*s! Updated with great LS 5*s and 4*s!!
    For Sale: LV 81 Account. Dark Side affiliation. Credits in account: 4,204,787.

    First Fair Offer can take the account.

    In the mean time I will be selling the cards individually but will at anytime sell the entire contents for a fair price.

    Battle Strength: 816,223-1,078,068
    All map quests complete and all planet quests complete.
    Has Stat reset available and ability to change user name.

    Ideally would like to sell entire account together for sake of simplicity. I am in the military and will be deploying so I wont be able to play this so I figured I would just sell. My loss is your gain!

    Complete card list:

    4/7 GG old x2 $170 each
    4/7 GG Last Stand x2 $190 each
    4/7 Dooku Sith Lord Skill 20 x1 $100
    Evo1 proper New Jango Skill 20 x1 $100
    Improper Evo 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Master Skill 15 x$100 ( ATK 7795 DEF 11342)
    Evo 1 May4th Luke x1 $5

    Base Supreme Chancellor Palpatine x1 $90
    Base Darth Sidious Sith Dictator x1 $70
    Base Darth Sidious Sith Dictator (Locked) x1 N/A
    Base Master Yoda Exile on Dagobah x1 $50
    Base Old Jar Jar Binks x1 $20
    Jabba the Hutt 1st Anniversary LE x1 $5

    4* 4/7 and 8/15
    4/7 General Grievous Skill 40 x1 $50
    8/15 Droideka Skill 40 x1 $50
    8/15 Droideka Skill 1 x2 $30 each
    4/7 Nute Gunray Skill 40 $50
    4/7 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Skill 37 $50
    4/7 Aurra Sniper Skill 1 x2 $35 each
    8/15 R2 Mechanic $40
    8/15 Tie Pilot $35
    4/7 Boba Fett x2 $20 each
    Proper 4/7 evo 2 Han Solo $15
    4/7 Ki-Adi-Mundi evomax skill 22 x1 $20
    4/7 r2d2 non mechanic x1 $15
    4/7 Luminara Unduli x1 $10

    Base 4*s $5 each Buy 5 get 1 Free! Buy 10 and get 2 Free!! Buy 20 and get 4 free! Evo 1 4*s are still $5 each and part of the free deal.
    Old Aurra Sing x 1
    Anakin Skywalker x2
    evo1 Aayla Secura x1
    Aayal Secura base x1
    Ben Kenobi Evo 1 x1
    Ben Kenobi x1
    Ben Kenobi Death Star x2
    Padme Amidala Battle of Theed skill 10 x1
    Mace Windu x1
    C-3PO x1
    Clone Commander Bly x1
    Evo 1 Clone Commander Bacara LS x1
    Master Yoda evo 1 skill 8 x1
    Ki-Adi-Mundi x1
    Jan Dodonna x1
    Luke Xwing Pilot x1
    Evo 1 Leia Organa Endor celebration x1
    General Rieekan x1
    Nute Gunray x1
    Tarful x1
    Supreme Chancellor Palpatine x1
    Bib Fortuna Majordomo x3
    Boss Nass x1
    Plo Koon x1
    R2-D2 Mechanic x1
    R2-D2 non mechanic x1
    Agen Kolar x2
    Kit Fisto evo 1 x1
    Zam Wesell x 2
    Jango Fett x2
    Dooku x2
    Clone Commander Cody x2
    DS Clone Commander Bacara x1
    General Grievous x1
    Grand Moff Tarkin x1
    Darth Vader Death Star x2
    Chewbecca x1
    Han in Carbonite x5
    Zuckuss x3
    Moff Jerjerrod x1
    General Veers x3
    4Lom x1
    IG88 x2
    Bossk x1
    Droideka x2
    Magnaguard x4
    Empereor's Royal Guard x5
    Shadow Trooper x1
    Tie Pilot x4

    78 4* bases

    8/15 FX-6 Healer skill 10 $30
    base FX-6 Healer x3 $5 each
    8/15 Viper Probe Droid Skill 1 x1 $25
    4/7 Mas Amedda Skill 1 x1 $25
    Base Mas Amedda x1 $5
    Base Bail Organa x1 $5
    Boba Fett (childhood) x1 $3
    4/7 Buzz Droid Skill 1 x1 $10
    Buzz Droid x2 $3 each
    4/7 Clone Trooper 41st elite corps x1 $10
    evomax shaak x1 $10
    shaak x6 $3 each

    LV 5 Vehicles that account can build:
    Millennium Falcon, Slave 1, Homing Spider Droid, AT-TE, Octuparra Magna Tri-droid, Bongo, Tie Bomber, Droid Tri-fighter, Naboo star fighter, AT-ST and T-16 Skyhopper.

    - if you buy the entire account I will give you my alternate account too that is pretty much cleared out but has 3,246,886 credits in it.

    - if you have any questions please just ask!

    -First Fair Offer can take the account. I have an idea of what I want for it but am willing to negotiate.

    May the force be with you!

    Here's how trades will go (paypal only):

    1) PM me for a purchase. I'll give you my PayPal email and my SWFC ID-No.
    2) I’ll send the trade - so you can make sure that I have got the cards.
    3) Go to PayPal. Select the tab "Send Money."
    4) Enter my PayPal Email address.
    5) Enter the amount for your purchase.
    6) Select the option "I'm sending money to: Family or Friends."
    7) Enter the comment: "I am sending <enter amount> for a virtual item. I understand that this transaction is non-refundable/non-returnable."
    8) Message me when you have sent the money and then accept the trade request (just return some crap card).
    9) I'll check my PayPal to confirm the payment.
    10) I'll finally accept the trade after payment has been received.
    > All transactions will be payment first.
    > All payments through PayPal as a gift/personal payment (buyer pays for the fee). You must be PayPal verified.
    > All sales are final and are non-refundable
    > Payment must be made within 24 hours, otherwise the deal will be cancelled (exceptions can be made if I am made aware of a situation).
    > All payments must include the message: "I am sending [enter amount] for a virtual item. I understand that this transaction is non-refundable/non-returnable."
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  2. OP

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    Prices are #. PM me and throw some prices at me.
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