Account has high paragon level night lord, selling naked or full Account comes with: 1140+ AF 7500+ legion Maxed all nodes (no new MW) Totem set Easily sellable rare perm nx (2x Blood Oath, 1x Frost Staff, Idol snapback, aab) etc rare perm nx (50k+ worth of 1-3k value perm nx hat/overalls) 400m nx, no mesos 50k dp on the account. I can take off the etcs (Rare perm nx, nx, dp) if needed. s/b 250$ for clean account Methods of payment: Venmo, Paypal F&F Discord: AriesDp#5333 DM me for info....
Hello. I may be interested. Any C/O or S/B for full account (with everything)? Also i cant add u on discord to talk. Please add me instead Lucaas#3199