Sold Cheap Saint Quartzes! Safe & Fast! JP & Global

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Saint Quartzes - Buy Sell Trade' started by DI$COUNT, 1/22/20.

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    Hey I will get you cheapest packs on the market.

    I am cheapest and fastest topper on a very popular Facebook. gaming page!!

    This services are 120% safe for clients and respects every company ToS.

    The discounts varies from 70% to 30% of the original price.

    Games that are displayed on PlayPoints service gets 70% # on any nr of packs!

    167 SQ only 49.99$
    501 SQ only 129.99$
    835 SQ only 209.99$
    1670 SQ only 319.99$

    Payment methods accepted are:
    PayPal, Western Union, Cryptocurrency + many others.

    PM or add me on Discord if you need more packs and bigger discounts/negotiations etc.

    My Discord -> ##1508
    My Telegram -> DIStheCOUNT
    WhatsApp aviable after 2 orders!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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