-Selling C36 castles for sale with 320k Gems. Will add in c30 and few castles as farms. -Secured Resources- 600mil stone and 500 mil iron to C39. -2nd strongest castle in the realm with full artecrafts (level 3 and 2 orange and all other fully dropped). - Normal March 300k - Emblems level 21 - Mystic 80% completed - Colossus: level 73 and 72 -military rank: commander in chief=50k more to Overseer - Gears: all gold gears - Angels: 108k -VIP Level: 12 - Gems remaining: 320k -BP: 54.2MIL Realm 118 has two main alliances. One US/Europe time zone players and one Asian time zone players . Contact ryuchan0908@gmail Asking Price: USD 900~1,000