Selling TONE'S Kik Shop *ONLY 3 LEFT!*

Discussion in 'Kik OG Usernames - Buy Sell Trade' started by General Forums &, 1/21/20.

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  1. General Forums &

    General Forums &
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Selling the following Kiks:

    Kik: oxx
    Don't cry about BIN..
    C/O: $5 @JW
    BIN: $25​

    Kik: Negative
    Don't cry about BIN..
    BIN: $65​

    Kik: ijm
    Nice 3L for ya..
    C/O: $5
    BIN: $10​
    SOLD to @Untypo

    Kik: nes
    Nintendo Entertainment System
    C/O: $35​
    BIN: $50

    Kik: godfather
    It's either me or you
    BIN: $75
    SOLD to @Reckz

    Kik: Ala
    Great eWhore kik
    BIN: $15
    SOLD to @Cn

    Kik: toasted
    If you're a stoner, this is for you
    BIN: $15
    SOLD to @Pajama

    Kik: vomits
    Nasty mf's, here you go
    BIN: $10
    SOLD to @Cequr

    BIN'S are #.
    All offers, if posted, are from PlayerUp.
    Offer away!

    Payments Accepted: BTC only.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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