Great Account used to Top 5 alliances. Game moved to IOS Account I can provide. 32 Level 80 5* including many great HOTM/Event/Atlantis: Gravemaker x2, Miki, Kingston, Alberich, Athena,Khiona, Kunchen, Drake, Morgan, Rav, Aaron, Mushashi, Onatel, Victor, Evelyn, KageBurado, Frida, Zim, Grazul, Mitsu, Ariel, Hatter. Many more heros Max. 4485 defense power. Emblem lvl 13-16 every class and 12 resets if you don't like my selections. Every elemental debuff color except Panther (Purple). 73 4* assention Items. 633 4* crafting items. 30+ Titan Flasks, 30+ Raid Flasks, 50+ World Energy Flasks. I can provide screenshots.