Selling  Planetside 2 3 x Prestige NC,VS,TR, 5900 Directives

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by warpigzero, 1/12/20.

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  1. warpigzero

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    Hey all :)

    i sell my Account with 3 Miller prestige chars, cosmetics, implants, directive weapons, everything important unlocked
    Price: 350 EUR
    Account will be sold with Password + E-Mail + E-Mail Account, no 2fa authentication

    Send me a PM if youre interested, i got Teamspeak and Discord

    The account was created roughly at the end of 2014, all 3 main characters have about 200k certs investment each.
    You can look that up in the Screenshots further down below as well.

    The account includes:

    -1 vs, 1 tr, 1 nc prestige char on miller, +smaller chars around lvl 10-47 on miller, cobalt and emerald
    -various camos, cosmetics, voicepacks for infantry and vehicles alike
    -almost all important perks, e.g. full reload / ammunition on various tank weapons, full stealth, armor, fire supp, various class perks like adrenaline shield, grenade bandolier, jump sets, pretty much everything
    -almost all weapons and attachments bought with dbc, (so they are available on all new characters on the account)
    -over 5k directive points (betelgeuse, parsec, skorpios, harasser aurax, infi aurax, black camo....),
    -lots of implants,
    - asp skills
    -NS-44L Showdown sidearm, if youre into rare item stuff
    - troll character lvl 46 with 33er k/d, if youre into that

    Following 127 screenshots include basic character stats, score / certs / kd / spm etc, weapons board from DA, Fisu overview, camos, weapons, directives, guns, vehicles cosmetics, asp skills, implants, etc:

    Link to screenshot album on
    ps2 acc pics —

    Now i already made a lot of screenshots.
    If you still want to know something specific, pm me.
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