Selling   Company Supplier: resource all Kingdoms, safe and trust, best price

Discussion in 'Rise of Civilizations Boosting for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Ecogaming.Official, 1/10/20.

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  1. Ecogaming.Official

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    Ecogaming Official
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    We are Ecogaming, a company who is specialized on providing game services. In Rok, We have opened rss service, along with helping you to win mightest governor event.
    Our service is SAFE and QUICK, of course TRUSTFUL too.
    Until now all of our customers are all satisfied with our service.
    We are strongly make sure that We can protect you.
    The Price for Rss range from 0.08$ to 0.2$ per 1 Mil base on your Demand. [​IMG]
    For Mightest Governor Event, We offer $60-80/10 million points, the more you buy, the lower price you pay. You could buy up to 100 million points each event.

    We have office and We are really seriously about this business.
    We do NOT use # for running farms.
    We can provide our transactions between us and our customers for your trust.

    No need to cover my farms
    No deposit!
    No one know our deal!
    Payment: Paypal.
    My Line ID: nicky3710
    My Wechat: Ecogaming
    My Discord: eco spcenter#9958
    My Kakaotalk: nicky3710
    My Whatsapp: +84 37 964 6941
    Thank you and looking forward to serving you soon!
    #1 Ecogaming.Official, 1/10/20
    Last edited: 3/5/20
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