Selling  Average K34, Lord lvl 58, 64M power, 107M Kills, 388K Merits, 400k+ T3 Troops, Dragon Level 60

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by XNX, 1/2/20.

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  1. XNX

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    My Location:
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    Power: 64m
    Army: 10M
    Fortification: 500K
    Construction: 8m
    Research: 34,5M
    Lord: 3,5M
    Commander Army: 4M
    VIP: 110K
    Appearance: 129K
    Dragon: 3M


    34 (a lot of new alliances coming in, very lively and active kingdom)

    Merit Points



    19 Commanders
    Gold: Gorell, Russel, Arya, Soren, Varys, Sheila
    Purple: Chris
    Blue: Robb, Sansa, Tyrion, Barret, Jeane
    Green: Feis, Merrel, Arslan, Mengo, Haley
    Grey: Kravras, Robert

    Troop Appearance
    Oldtown bowman - Purple (75/100)
    House Reed Spearman - Purple (50/100)
    Black Ears Warrior - Blue (40/50)
    Gold Cloak - Grey (5/10)

    - Lord Level 58
    - VIP 11
    - Castle skins: Default
    - Total troops: 400k+ T3
    - Dragon lvl 60
    - 493M grain, 331M wood, 403M stone, 462M iron, 392M gold
    - Alliance Coins: 30k (+I have two transnational relocations in inventory)
    - Member of alliance who owns KL
    - We won last few KVKs
    - Good teamwork in AM, AC, AT ...

    Maester tower lvl 25
    Bank lvl 9
    all buildings are on max levels lvl25 (including also one farmland, one quarry, one lumberyard, one mine, 9 outside hospitals, 2 mints and one army tent -> all on lvl25) EXCEPT other smaller buildings outside the wall (you can arrange them as you want)

    Production all on 10 except Transport Upgrade (9/10, Resource Exploitation (9/10) & Diamond Prospecting (7/10)
    Military all on 10 except Cavalry Weapon Upgrade (9/10), Bowmen & Cavalty Armor upgrade (9/10), Bowmen & Cavalry Physical Training (9/10), last three all on 9/10

    For any other questions - just ask! I also have an alt account so if you want both I'll give you both for 500$. The price for this main one is not the last one if you are serious buyer! I'll be active on both accs until someone wants them :)
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