Hello, I would like to sell my ROK account. commanders 1- 3 expertise commanders( cao cao,cleo,aethfled) 2- other commanders saladin 5551 Edward 5522 tomyris 5453 ysg 5511 el cid 4550 most coomanders from keys near 555 troops, 2.4m T5 900k T4 in main and 2m T4 in farm has more than 6b rss in main account and 2b rss in the farm has about 250 days of general and 100 days of training speed ups 150k+ AP 113m+ exp books 1m alliance credits enough to buy 16 # The account is on Android/IOS - Linked with Google Play, not linked with facebook.. if you have any other questions about the account, feel free to contact me. Email: [email protected] Line id: sadidas1clap Accept paypal or any other payment method.