Paragon 4000 US account with 17 character slots, 13 stash tabs with Cosmic Wings and also rare Wings of Valor, which are only available on accounts that pre-purchased the RoS expansion pack. Wings of Valor are available on US or EU server. D3 Deluxe/RoS/Necro pack (maximum possible characters and maximum stash tabs). Wings of Valor, Cosmic Wings, Wings of the betrayer, Falcon wings, Mercy's Gaze wings, Wings of Lempo, Galactic wings. 27 total pets after completing season 19. Nonseason level 4000 end-game extremely well-geared T16 Multishot/Impale DH 3 stash tabs full of ancient/primal monk gear. 2000 bounty mats (each) and 1000 GR keys. 70+ Gems on nonseason that are all level 100+ Seasonal P950 WW barb and Invoker's sader have completed the season 19 journey and got both pets. Stash tabs are maxed out at 13. Btag change is still available. Screenshots or additional info available upon request Asking $450. Payment via Paypal. Middleman can be used if you pay middleman fee. Discord: DustyOne#6945