Hello, first time seller. This is my personal account, I'm retiring due to real life responsibility. Captain LV84 EXP 18891/26200. 1-2 week away to 85 (MAX). Gacha S Based : HoR 3.4 (Missing B), SN (4/4), AK +1 small star (4/4) Notable Farmed S Based : PX SS, BR SS (4/4), LE SS, 6S S, Rozaliya S. Notable A Rank based : YA SSS, VB SSS, VD SSS, HF SSS, NS SSS, SP SSS, VP SS, UR SS, SS SS. Monthly card active for another 6 months. B Chip can be used to buy another Battle Pass next month. With this account you can retain RL comfortably. If you need more info please dont be afraid to pm me. Screenshots :
locked for now. people wants me to surrender my email too if i linked my gplay. will come back at later date after i remove my personal info on it.