Details Level: 777 Summoner Level: 125 Gems: 20 Zel: 153,353,843 Karma: 245,992,437 Arena Rank: Beam (1,003,032 Arena Points) (1617 Wins, 67 Losses, 520 consecutive wins) Guild Family: ÆROPOD (will release discord details along with account) Guild: Primal (top 4%) Zel Boost: 180% Karma Boost: 130% Exp Boost: 100% Summoner EXP: 29% Story: Completed Trials and Strategy Zones: Completed Grand Gaia Chronicles: Completed Grand Quest: Uncompleted Raid Class: 7* Frontier Hunter Rank: 160 Units and Spheres Units Overview UNITS - Google Photos Omni +3: 31 Omni +2: 37 Omni +1: 29 Omni: 50 7* : 75 Spheres Overview SPHERES - Google Photos 7 Star: 50 6 Star: 120 FLEX UNIT AND SPHERE PREVIEW alt link: alt link 2: UNITS 2 - Google Photos ✨PRICE: $130 Additional: I will still be updating this account until purchased. This account is linked to a CLEAN Facebook. account, which I will also release to whoever purchases this account. I am willing to negotiate the price.