Hi, this is my account of drakensang with lot of euro/time spent on it, you can also find FREE RESPEC NAME/SEX: STATS(just one of the setup that i mostly use): ---WITH orb--- 700/990 damage 1.65spd 4700hp 1800 armor 650 res 105 mana block amount 980, block rate 516 crit rate 49% crit damage 235% ---WITH book--- 750/1050 damage 1.76 spd 3780hp 1300 armor 650 res 105 mana crit rate 61% crit damage 255% GEMS: 2 sacred amethys 6 polished sapphire 2 polished ruby rest polished amethys/diamond/cyanite ITEMS: -roshan 1/3(belt) -cloak of power, cloak of gloom -new karabossa full(high stats) -dark armor 3/5(missing boots chest) -full moon set new 2/3(missing wand) -2/3 old karabossa set -2 ring dragonache new gnob set -ring of death x 2 -ammon 3/5(missing chest boots) -dragan helm completed -desert essence 3/4(no chest) all high stats -biting tome, dimensional rift, grimnag robe, ring of life, sargon tome, ring of defense, deep see chiting ring, staff end of time OTHER: 55 gold, 1k ag, 2 fast mount(black dragon, horse 3v3 pvp) 7k red ess, 60k blue, 2k lifesteal 90+coins for mortis emote power of heavens 4500 cot, 99 lock pick 200 drakens around 100 of each potions 15 black dyes 1 white dyes 4x map to gnob QUEST: Q5 just started In the account you can also find other chars: -dwarf 40 no pvp no item -mage 23 ardent centurion decent items -ranger 23 novice centurion decent items feel free to offer
forgot to mention sargon costume, red berserk costume, viscanium pet, red crystal pet and more important BOOTS 17% spd