Looking to sell my Veno; the majority is listed below but feel free to ask any questions. 105/105/105 - Warsong City Avatar Set, Full Nuema 22k HP (base) 47-56k Mag Atk (base) 12k pdef (base) 31k mdef (base) 21% Crit 1300 spirit 130 Atk Lvl 60 Def lvl R9R3 +12 Weap (max atk lvl re-craft) G16 +10 Helm w/ +10 Vit stones Wings of Asc Cloak +12 w/ JoSD R9R3 +12 Top w/ JoSD R9R3 +12 Pants w/ +10 Vit stones R9R3 +12 Boots w/ +10 Vit stones R9R3 +12 Wrists w/ +10 Vit stones G16 +11 Pdef Neck w/ x4 +2 Atk Stones R9R3 Belt w x4 +2 Atk stones R9R3 Ring +10 G16 Ring +19 1.8bil coin Identity Stone in the bank Legendary Pet Star level 5 It also has extremely rare mounts, flights, stones and much, much more in the bank.. this character is end game and requires very little to take it further.