Hi guys I want to sell my world of tanks account ,Here is what it's got . 10 Fv4202 Fv215b T57 Heavy T110E5 Bat.Chat 25 t Amx 50 b Foch 155 Leopard 1 E 50 M E 100 Maus(not in garage) Wt auf E 100 GW. E 100 (not in garage) Jagd.E 100(not in garage) IS4 IS7 (not in garage) Obj. 140 T 62A There is T-34-2(sold) with his crew and with 75 k+ xp on it Patton tier 9 reseached IS6 with GREAT crew,almost 5th skill All german tree researched . So, 55 % wr ,27k battles ,1760 wn8,1376 effy (ist not so bad ,but you can improve it) I am selling it bcz i dont have time for the game . Send me your offers and I can even take lower price bcz i just wanna get rid of the account (there is your chance) OR you can offer me better account ,I just don't like mine for no reason lol http://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/biggrin.png offer me acc with 56 % wr ,2000 + wn8 with some prem tanks ,nice number of battles (15k+ )and some t10(more than 7 ) Good luck http://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/biggrin.png contact email [email protected]http://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/cool.pnghttp://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/cool.png