Hello, as i have no time for Eve, i'd like to sell my account. Pilot informations: 34M SP. SS: 5.0012 No bounty Standing: Ammatar fleet: 9.17 Republic Security Service 8.79 Caldari Navy 6.40 Specialized in cruisers Hull. Can fly: All Amarr Fregates T2 Amarr logistic Amarr Recon Amarr Strategic cruiser Caldari logi Caldari Recon Caldari Stragic cruiser Minmatar logi Minmatar recon Minmatar Stragic cruiser Specialized for pve solo (exploration and l4) and pvp fleet. Gunnury: 7.3m+ sp small Energy Turret T2 medium Energy Turret T2 heavy Energy Turret T2 medium projectil Turret t2 Missils: 2m sp Heavy assault Missil T2 drones: 3m sp Implants: Genolution Core augmentation CA-1 Memory Standard Neural Standar Genolution COre augmentation CA-2 RS-603 CB-703 ME-805 SS-905 Imperial navy modified 'noble' implant Assets: Full fitted: Legion, Loki, tengu, Pilgrim and noctis. (Faction modules for T3) Price: $450 OBO Pilot 2: 24SP, SS: 2.004 No bounty Can fly: All T2 Gallente freg Gallente Recon Gallente Logisitc Drones: 4.7M SP Small T2 Medium T2 Sentry T2 Skill plan: Leadership--> Command ship Implants Occular Standard Memory Basic Neuronal Standard Genolution COre angmentation CA-2 Social Standard RS-603 SM-703 MH-805 SP-903 HG-1001 Price: $300 OBO