Ok, lets try this again. It didnt work 6 months ago, and i want to sell it again. WORLDS MOST VALUABLE AND COMPLETE ESO ACCOUNT! - most achievement points in the world, former 100% - all houses - all furnishing plans - all dummies - nearly all outfit styles - almost all crowncrate contents - all dlcs, chapters - A LOT OF STUFF FROM THE CROWNSTORE - 7x RADIANT APEX - 100+ MOUNTS - 18/18 chars - almost complete goldbook collection - everything maxed basically everywhere - PC EU - MERCHANT + BANKER - by far the most valuable ESO account worldwide, has EVERYTHING This is no scam! I actually really own this account and want to sell it.
dude no one is gonna pay 2000$ for an account no matter how good it is, sorry to burst your bubble but you gotta be more realistic.