Hello. Im selling my warframe account-mastery rank 15.I didnt play this game for i think 3 months so acc dont have new stuff.Details below Warframes All 30 lvl Ash Banshe Ember prime Excalibur Frost prime Hydroid Loki Mag Mag prime Nekros Nova Nyx Oberon Rhino prime Saryn Trinity Valkyr Vauban Volt Zephyr Weapons almost all 30 lvl Acrid Akbolto Akbronko Prime Ak lato Ak lex Ak magnus Ak stiletto Akvasto amphis Amprex Angstun-5 lvl Aknyros prime Attica Ballistica Bo Boar prime Boltor prime Brakk Braton prime Burston prime Castanas Ceramic dagger Cernos Cronus Dakra prime Dera Dex furis Drakgoon Dread Embolist Ether reaper Fang prime Fragor Furax Galantine Glavie prime -29 lvl Gorgon wraith Grakata Gram grinlok Hex Hikou Hind Ignis Jat kittag Karak Kestrel Kogake Kraken Kunai Lanka Lato Latron prime Lecta Lex prime Magistar Marelok Dark sword Ether sword Plasma sword heat dagger Ether swords Mire Miter Mk10braton nami skyla-24 lvl Obex Ogris Orthos prime Paris prime Penta Phage Dual cestra Dual kama Dual skana Dual gremlin Dual ichor Dual heay dagger Dual viper Dual zoren Prova Reaper prime Scind Scoliac Seer Sicarus Sicarus Prime Skana Dragon nikana Sobek Soma Spectra Strun Stug Supra Sybaris Synapse Dark dagger Heat dagger Tetra Tigris Torid Tysis Vectis Vulkar Sentinels: Carrier Dethcube Dijin Helios Shade Wyrm Other Stuff: I will post images + some collor palets There are some potatoes in frames (i think in almost every frame)and weapons but i dont know in with ones and how many.i cant check it because the new warframe is so complicated+ u have some free potatoes ,u can see them on image.About the mods,i dont know how many mods i have because like i said i didnt play warframe for about 3 monts,so i forgot the names.im sure there are all corrupted mods,the electric mods from tethra event.Im a collector type of person so after i left the game i wanted to have all so i think there are many mods.Ofcorse i dont got those very rare like primed chamber.I spend on this game something like 700 hours. I want for this account 50 € on paypall or steam gift card.In dollars i think it is something like 75$. U can contact me PW or on my e mail P.S. Sorry for my bad English.