Greetings, We have a huge number of account available for both Android and iOS. They come with almost all the diamond and gold cards maxed out, all the good equipment maxed out, more than 25,000 souls and over 6,000,000 koins. We have been active on youtube for 3 years and are currently the biggest MK Mobile vendor. You can find us on youtube or head to our website for more information. Rhino Gaming - YouTube MK Mobile Accounts RHINO GAMING
Do you accept trades? Like a Android account for a IOS account? I have a Android account with 85,000 souls all equipment and all gold fx and all Mk11 team FX account is about 400 days old also many other diamonds as well and fx Drahmins mask account has played faction wars since account started and quest mode as well and is lvl 60 with all gold Fx 60 thanks just want a IOS account now that I bought the new Ipad and will retire my android account if possible.