Selling  High End High End Account - T4, Lvl 25

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zorco, 12/1/19.

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  1. Zorco

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    Very high end account for power, never missed a day logged in (205 days and counting, which was the day the server started), never missed an event, few times top 10 KvK winner, consistently high TG rankings

    Finishing top 10 last kvk meant I went through 10m worth of troops, which is why it is now only 108m.. they are currently being rebuilt (only t3 lost)

    • Army Power – 13.5M
    • Fortification Power – 500k
    • Construction Power – 8.5M
    • Research Power – 66M
    • Lord Power – 5.8M
    • Commander Army Power – 8.6M
    • Dragon Power – 2.9M
    • A little under 500k T4
    • Lord level 60
    • 530k march size with army increase item used
    • 13 gold commanders, 14th one not far off, lots of blue and purple ones also, 30 commanders total
    • All commanders 60 and and all fully equipped
    • Green Margaery Tyrrell
    • Daenerys Targaryen
    • Blue tyrion and about 30 medals towards purple, probably a few more at time of completion
    • Unsullied appearance unlocked, due to consistent kvk top 10 placings
    • Purple stormlands, oldtown & house reed troop appearances, and a couple of blues also
    • All badges in gear at least blue quality, with some epic and gold badges also
    • aptitude 421, finance 372, command 426, combat 515, leadership 308 and counting, with lots of spare items to increase them further
    • ancient dragon with full gold attack skills, most at +3, cav at +5 nearly +6
    • VIP 12 and not too far from 13
    • Every building maxed except a few resource ones still at 24 and bank at 6
    • Extremely combat focused account, hits like a truck with a full march (ask the 170m guy I zero'd during KvK)
    • A few perma castle skins inc ancient capital and shadow of valyria
    • Merchant ship level 8 & +300 towards 9
    • Tons of special items such as few +75% army buff and even more +50% ones, still lots of march speed ups, warriors blessings, etc etc
    • Lots of spare resources (amount fluctuates, as it stands, 150m grain, 750m wood, 300m stone, 350m iron, 40m gold) these will change as I am rebuilding the t3 used during the last kvk
    • About to start research for 6th march, also got solid wall & 8-9 expedition researches
    • Not linked to any social media

    This account has never missed a beat, has very good equipment, has had 3k USD spent on it at last accounting
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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