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  1. Jakeb Williams

    Jakeb Williams
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    This account is region locked in EU and CIS regions, so NA and etc. only unless you're fine with using a VPN everytime you play. The email will take two weeks to change over to your email if you buy this account, but using the current email and a new password of your choice, plus a security question of your choice, you'll be able to access it right away. This account has the previous years Christmas gift that you can claim on the website for in game items, and if they do it the same as they did last year, you'll have a bonus for this years Christmas gift since this account had the last one. Contact me on discord at Epsilon#0140 if you're interested, paypal or bank transfer is preferred, but I'm willing to discuss alternatives.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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