Selling  Low End  1-72 Hours FS: Beginner Accounts Only

Discussion in 'Pokeland Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DirtySlime, 12/1/19.

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  1. DirtySlime

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    I have many beginner accounts for sale.

    I've had enough of the game and want to spend my time playing something else.

    All accounts are my own, never played by anyone else or traded with anyone else.

    I played them purely in the hope that id convince friends to play if i did most of the grinding in the game. But no one has any interest in playing this game, so for over a year I've been grinding, doing all the dailies and now i'am tired of it. Time to give someone else the opportunity to play without wasting too much time on getting started.

    The power of the account is not a good reflection of it, everything that can be saved up, was saved up, and so theres alot of gear that can be made from the jewellery boxes and power gain from Z-Bracelet, Gym, Fusion, Strikecards, world series points etc. (I havent spent many of the points from team, zbracelet, gym etc)

    You just have to build your teams and equip how you want and spend the points.

    $15 USD (per 1x account)
    I have 3x Accounts consist of:
    -VIP 3
    -Master LVL 25+
    -Basic Pokemon such as Arceus, Orgin Girantina etc
    -Team Power 1.5mill
    -200x OL stickers for Yveltal and Zekrom
    -1,000+ VIT bread
    -1,100+ Advanced Dressup Boxes
    -12,000+ Attribute Stones
    -15,000+ StrikeCards
    -8,000+ World-Series Points
    -35,000+ Fusion Cards

    $10 USD (per 1x account)
    I have 5x Accounts consist of:
    -VIP 1
    -LVL 90
    -Basic Pokemon such as Arceus, Orgin Girantina etc
    -Team Power 1mill
    -200x OL stickers for Yveltal and Zekrom
    -200+ VIT bread
    -500+ Advanced Dressup Boxes
    -7,000+ Attribute Stones
    -7,000+ StrikeCards
    -3,000+ World-Series Points
    -18,000+ Fusion Cards

    *** As you can see i was playing these accounts very similar to each other. These are not traded accounts and clearly not trying to scam no one.

    --Server name and details will be given on sale, nickname, guild and friends list will be altered to avoid identity problems. --Accounts are bounded to an email only, which can be changed easily.

    --Payment is via Paypal
    --Account info will only be sent through to the email used in the purchase on PayPal with a 48hr delay.
    --Wont be selling more then one to the same person unless 1-2 weeks have passed by = (No scamming attempts)
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  2. PlayerUp

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