Selling  Got:WiC K4, 82M BR, close to t4

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MichaelRehm2907, 11/25/19.

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  1. MichaelRehm2907

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    My Location:
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    Account LvL 59
    VIP 11, close to 12
    All building at lvl 25 except : Iron Bank lvl 6
    13x lvl 25 Hospitals , 3 x lvl 20

    Military Researches: Total Army Reseaches all on lvl 9. Single Troop Researches all on lvl 10. So very close to t4.

    33 Commanders including Danaerys and Sendor Clegane.
    Arya, Varys, Soren, Melisandre, Sansa in GOLD
    Chris and Robb in PURPLE
    Tyrion on his way to purple ( 48/100 and still growing)
    All Commanders lvl 59

    monthly card activated

    Ancient Dragon with 6 passive skills for gathering( all lvl 5 and higher).
    Earn 63,8% more gold on tiles (for example 730k gold by a lvl 4 mint)
    Each Attacking/Health/Armor Skill in gold with lvl ups

    This is Active account so it will keep growing. For more details pls contact me on [email protected]

    Price is 1000 dollar
    invested about 4k in the game.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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