Android, Server 24 Top 50 Player Heroes: E5: Aida, E5 Valkyrie, E5 Horus, E5 Dark Arinthindol E1: Aspen 10*: HW, Valentino, Krooz, Penny, Asmodel **: Ready to swap 10* Amen-Ra **: Possible E5 Aspen **: Possible 10* Oberon Others Mentionable Copies (Bags and Shards) Amen-Ra x1 Oberon x3 Penny x5 Horus x3 Krooz x3 DA x6 Asmodel x5 HW x4 Dasmoge x3 Armors: Mage Set x4 Warrior Set x2 Ranger Set x2 Priest Set x2 Assassin Set x1 Items: Heroic Scrool x450 Prophet Orbs x152 Glory Relic x221 Super Chips x48 Brave Trial Scale x82K Guild Coins x165K and others materials in above average quantities Monster: Deer: [ALL MAXED] Phoenix: [ALL MAXED] Others: Gold: 2,2B Gems: 8k Brave Trial always complete (even the night time, i will give you some tips that will work 80% all the time) Seal Island Crystal in 5k Aspen Dungeon in Death Mode Tavern Quest 7* x4 Tavern Quest 6* x28 If you interested, contact me in Discord Nomac#4019 Screenshots also available in discord