Selling my day 1 account with 72 MLB assists and adventurers, NO HACKS. Whale account, was Hero I twice before. Member of a top familia. Syr's Lunchbox active until December 14. * 5500 free iris, 200 paid * Hero III on wargame, top 300-100 record buster * 12 MHA adventurers * 20 hero lights, 175 ascension falnas * 280 hero falnas, 300+ medium falnas and 2000+ large falnas * 900/900/700 small, medium, large exilia books * 500/100/100 small, medium, large potatoes * 2200+ gnome tickets, 2 hero medals, 7 flame amulets, 1 star assist bond * 24 4-star bonds in inventory * MLB MHA all anniversary units except Galmus (+3 ascend) $300 through PayPal. For more information, dm me on discord, Kaitz#1706.