Sold Hig END NA Top Tier Dueling CP 970 PvP Acc with PvE healing.Magsorc,Magden,Stamplar

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Belinda Vienna, 11/15/19.

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  1. Belinda Vienna

    Belinda Vienna
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    3 Characters
    Magsorc - PvP DPS, PvE healer. PvP rank 31, AD Faction 9 Trait Crafter and Alchemist
    Magden - PvP DPS/Support. PvE Raid/Dungeon Healer, rank 15, DC Faction
    Stamplar - PvP DPS, rank 20, AD faction.

    The account has just under 1mil gold between all of the characters, many golded sets for both PvP, and PvE, a RARE Apex Reward (Dwarven Crown Crate) Mount, the Vitrine Dwarven Wolf
    -(link for mount)->

    About 250 or so transmutes on the account

    All three characters have maxed/morphed skills, with excess of points in most cases. Magsorc and Stamplar have the most time played on the account.

    The Stamplar, and Magsorc are curretly setup for maximum damage, without the use of DoTs, and as the DoT # is getting smashed next patch, they will require little to no changes to be top tier setups.

    The Magden is designed for Battleground Healing/Support or AoE damage setup, as well as a dungeon/raid healer for PvE.

    Mount Speed is maxed on all three characters, all 3 mount traits maxed on the Magsorc, with 45-55/60 range on mount stamina on the other two characters. Max Bank/bag storage on account.

    I own the Grand Psijic Villa home (timed exclusive)

    The account has an excess of crafting materials, and a fair amount of materials for potions/foods. I recently purchased a bulk supply of Tri-pots, as well as Artaeum Broth for the Stamplar.

    I own most DLC, and have 4 race change, and 4 name change coupons on the account. (25 crowns remain on the account) Loads of costumes, skins, mounts, non-combat pets. As well as Any Race/Any Alliance

    List of Golded Sets includes (but is not limited to):


    Amber Plasm
    Shacklebreaker (Light)
    Spell Strategist
    Bright Throat's Boast
    Crafty Alfiq
    Caluurion's Legacy
    Buffer of the Swift
    All of the Master Staves, as well as Maelstrom Staves
    Perfected Asylum Inferno/Lightning
    Mantle of Siroria
    Jourvald's Guidance (PvE Healing)
    Oolorime's (PvE Healing)

    Shacklebreaker (Medium)
    Hunding's Rage (4 Med Heavy Chest)
    Master's Bow, Duel Wield, 2h, and SnB
    Maelstrom 2h, Duel Wield
    Perfected Asylum 2h
    I own most/all monster sets (the most commonly used)

    The account has many scrolls (50%, 100%, 150%) in storage, and would be very easy to transition the gear already available onto nearly any setup/character.

    The Magsorc boasts over a 10.0 KD spread, with 7 100+ killstreaks, it was a prominent 1vx and small scale character.

    The Stamplar is rather new, but also boasts nearly a 9.0 KD, as well as it's first 100 kill streak a few weeks prior.


    Price : $200

    Do not Hesitate to Add me in discord to discuss.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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