Selling  High End  Linked  End Game Account  Android and iOS Day 1 lvl154 facility level 1510 Expert/Master HDT ready.

Discussion in 'Dragalia Lost Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nroah, 11/10/19.

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  1. nroah

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    Are you looking for an account that is able to fight expert/master HDT and that's end-game ready?
    This is the perfect account for you!

    Facility level: 1510 and increasing!
    - All the elemental towers are maxed
    - All dojo are maxed except staff ( 33 / 33 ) and dagger ( 33 / 33 )
    - Event facilities are maxed.

    - All the #/relevant wyrmprints are mubed. You can refer to the screenshots below.

    - MUB Cerberus
    - MUB Leviathan
    - MUB Shinobi
    - MUB Marishiten
    - MUB Zephyr
    - MUB Cupid
    - 2ub Agni
    - 0ub Vayu, Long Long, Siren and more..

    This account currently yields 4 dragon stones, allowing you to mub a of your choice! Also you can obtain more dragon stones from Mercurial Gauntlet!

    - 19 5t3
    - HDT1 wind katana, able to craft 2 HDT1 water weapons of your choice!
    - Refer to the screenshots for unbinds. This account also yields 8 damascus ingots, allowing you to mub any 2 weapon of your choice! ( best to save for eHDT weapons)

    54 5stars!
    Limited: Ieyasu, , Gala/Halloween Mym, All gala units except ranzal, All FEH heroes,
    Refer to the screenshots for the rest of the adventurers.

    - Max might is 27.2k
    - Mono teams are between 25-26k

    I will continue playing on this account till i find a suitable buyer. Account is linked to a nintendo account in which you will have full access to after the payment has been made. If you want to use middleman, buyer has to cover the cost

    Contact me on Discord rohan#0001 (no caps) to leave an offer/more information regarding the account.

    C/O 450usd

    B/O 500 USD pp (F&F) or btc

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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