Sold Looking for Members | Pen Test Group | Skilled People Only

Discussion in 'All Other Game Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Hack Forums -, 11/9/19.

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  1. Hack Forums -

    Hack Forums -
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    Hello everyone, im looking for members who are skilled in Pen Testing or Development to create sort of a small group/team with skilled abilities.

    What is the purpose of this?
    This group is for people who are eager for knowledge and learning more and more. You must love technology and security testing, programming, etc...
    Success can only be achieved with the best minds together, and from that you can imagine the potential.

    Send me a pm if you follow this requirements:
    -> You are either l33t or Ub3r with certified past experience in the forums.
    -> You can proof your skills if not meet the above criteria.
    -> You have basic-medium-advanced experience in Pen Testing.
    -> You can code in: PHP, C++, C#, Python, GoLang, Solidity.

    If you are interested in joining this team, please pm me using this small template:

    1. What programming languages do you know?
    2. What is your knowledge in Penetration Testing?
    3. Do you have any thread/examples that backup your expertise?
    4. What is your xmpp/telegram?

    Thank you all for your time.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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