Extra mile-7 Quarterback-9 Apoc-2 (8/10) Nirvana - 6 Thor’s - 3 Sniper - 9 Guardian - 6 Big dawg-6 B52-4 Goliath - 6 Backbone-9 Rapier-5 (90/100) Malibu- 6 Spitfire-2 GEMS....2400 currently and rising!! 78 million coins!! 3 banners. 66% win percentage. Nice ball collection for this level of account: Kingmaker 135,titan 90,katana 47,marlin 82,navigator 32,quasar 13. Account is a guest account and has never been out of Pro ,so easy opponent 's for tournament, also never been over 1990 trophies for easy match making and transferring will be very easy as I’ve done so before on this process. Asking a low price IMO for the stats of this account. Please message on here and we can do a transaction via PayPal. Name change is not available,but a simple ticket and good excuse to support,they normally change it. $70 (U.S).........Leave email for screenshots.