Sold CoD Related Soundcloud Shop (CHEAP!)

Discussion in 'Soundcloud OG Usernames - Buy Sell Trade' started by General Forums &, 10/31/19.

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  1. General Forums &

    General Forums &
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Do you use Soundcloud & want to re-live your childhood every time you login?
    Then buy one of these cheap Call of Duty related Soundclouds!​

    All of these come on fresh accounts with uncreated gmail OGE.​


    Username: Underp*ss (MW2 Map & Real word)
    Hint: That's not allowed
    BIN: $20
    C/O: ??​

    Username: M21*BR (Sniper)
    Hint: I eat apples
    BIN: $5
    C/O: ??​

    Username: M93R*ffic* (MW2 Machine Pistol)
    Hint: Another one
    BIN: $1
    C/O: ??​

    Username: R*ffic*s (MW2 Machine Pistol Nickname)
    Hint: A lot of Soundclouds
    BIN: $5
    C/O: ??​

    Username: *1014 (MW2 Shotgun)
    Hint: MMMMM
    BIN: $5
    C/O: ??​

    Username: St*ppingP*wer (MW2 Perk)
    Hint: Oh no!
    BIN: $5
    C/O: ??​

    Username: ThrowingK*ife (Equipment)
    Hint: No
    BIN: $5

    Username: C*unterUAV (Killstreak)
    Hint: Only you know this
    BIN: $10
    C/O: ??​

    Username: U*P45 (Pistol) (Also in CSGO)
    Hint: I like snacks
    BIN: $15
    C/O: ??​

    Username: M*5K (Sub Machine Gun)
    Hint: I have a big penis
    BIN: $25
    C/O: ??​

    Username: M*del1887 (Shotgun)
    Hint: I just took a love you
    BIN: $5
    C/O: ??​

    Username: A*50 (MW Sniper)
    Hint: Ex
    BIN: $15
    C/O: ??​

    Username: A*-50 (MW Sniper correct spelling)
    Hint: Booty.exe
    BIN: $7
    C/O: ??​

    Username: H*artb*atS*nsor (Equipment + Attatchment)
    Hint: Enjoy
    BIN: $5
    C/O: ??​

    Accepting Bitcoin/Credits/Trades/PayPal.
    Trusted MM at your expense.​

    Contact in signature.​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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