Selling  1-24 Hours Youtube Premium for cheap!!!! (Legit)

Discussion in 'YouTube Services for Sale - Buy Sell YouTube Services' started by theleqionpk, 10/18/19.

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  1. theleqionpk

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    Are you tired to watch the ads? Are you tired to pay so much of money per month on Premium?

    Well you can forget all of that now!!! :cool:

    I'm selling the best Youtube Premium Service for literally $15 for a year and $25 for lifetime!!!!!

    Here's the process!!!
    Once you've paid the product to me, I'll add you to the list on their "family" members
    Once it's done, you're now have the Premium features on Youtube!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
    (is the spot full? Don't worry.. i'll make more account so everyone can get the spot on the service!)

    Payment method: Amazon Gift Card, Elgiganten Gift Card (Sweden), Swish (Sweden), True Money Card (Thailand) & Skrill (since my PayPal is on limit, I can only use this payment method at the moment)

    Would you like to have all the Premium features on Youtube for low cost? :D

    Then PM me on discord!!! theleqionpk#4680 so i can make it for you!!!! Also if you're support me as seller, then VOUCH it for me!

    Disclaimer: Don't try to scam or anything... every message and stuff will be moniting and send it to the moterator and the police :mad::mad:
    and don't worry... since I'm a new guy here, I'll be honest to customers and have the benefits to everyone!

    P.S.: If you're dissatisfied of my service, I'll happy to give a refund to you through Apple Gift Card, Google Play Gift Card or Skrill 7 days after transaction is done, if you have any question... Message me

    Discord: theleqionpk#4680

    Yours Truly,
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