Hi guys, Selling my 150b Range Account - palace 35. Ranged account maxed in citadel 35 All buildings level 35 until oracle. Oracle of course is also 35. Researches trees completed in the following: Hero tree done Invader tree done T1-4 done, t5 almost done (Focus was t6 and 7) T6 are fully maxed. T7 upper sixpack maxed. Everything else in t7 tree for ranged off/health/def on 9/10. All t7 reducers are on 4/5. Account is close to maxed - 50 researches left in t7. Hero is level 64 with 7k keys missing to 65. I have 160m troops (32m are t7) All relevant shamans on 60. Stieg, raine, baggi, Inga, wendla, Sibba all stage 6. Stieg and raine are Main fight shaman with current best fight gear (Special range, ubba, shaman pop, shaman special gear) —> all legendary gear. Stieg has all legendary runes, rest of all gear has epic ranged off runes. Account has 3b kills, lots of soulshards earned for aesir. All training, building, capacity, farm and knowledge gear available. Fight gear as mentioned above all available too. Account is trimmed to fighting purpose. And more including forge materials to make anything you want. Account has 20b each rss except silver and has 40m gold in it. Next super packs due in 4 weeks. Enough drakkars to move the account wherever you want.