Selling  Android and iOS Beast KL PVP & PVE Account w/ NEW Naruto, Sasuke, Obito, and Kakashi!

Discussion in 'Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Midsommar, 9/29/19.

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  1. Midsommar

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    Hey, I am selling my Naruto Blazing global account with a ton of units that are viable for both Kage League PVP and any content you can come across in PVE as well. I am the original owner of the account, nobody else has ever had access to it. A lot of the units have a ton of dupes in them, and can easily crush a lot of PVP teams. It includes all the 4th anniversary brand new units, and a ton of other stuff as well.

    I qualified for Kage League Gaara, and I'm currently above rank 1K so you'll have him once he comes out.

    Serious offers only, no trades.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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