Selling  Android and iOS  High End FLASH SALE! $ 550 ARBITER MISSIONS DONE! Payments through Western Union

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by JJackk, 9/28/19.

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  1. JJackk

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    I will not respond to trolls or offers that are not serious. The price is in the title of the thread.

    Referee Missions Completed
    Amazing Great Hall
    Gold 4 Arena is too easy
    Fully maximized mine
    All Sparring Pit spaces unlocked (lvl 1)
    Farm Dragon 20 in less than 3 minutes (2 minutes 40 seconds faster so far)
    1 thousand player power (useless statistics but people care)
    not linked to FB
    Legendary List:
    Zavia (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete skill taken)
    Martyr (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete ability taken)
    Referee (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, 1 leg volume needed)
    Rhazin Scarhide (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery)
    Foli (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery)
    Richtoff the Bold (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery)
    Mortu-Macaab (maximum level, maximum ascension)
    Queen Eva (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum masters) 12-3 brutal farmer 8 seconds easily - kill the mobs by far
    Septimus (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery), x2
    Cupid (maximum ascension)
    Without soul (maximum ascension)
    Hakkorhn Smashlord x3
    Place the firm
    Notable epics:
    Lightsworn (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete ability taken)
    Juliana (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete ability taken)
    Jareg (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete skill taken)
    Royal Guard (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete ability taken) x2
    Steelskull (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete skill taken)
    Gorgorab (maximum level, maximum ascension)
    There are a lot of other epics, but I won't list them. You can look at the list yourself
    Notable Rare:
    Painkeeper (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete skill taken)
    Coldheart (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete ability taken)
    Apothecary (maximum level, maximum ascension, maximum mastery, complete skill taken)

    How could you read all the details, I will leave my email: [email protected], for more information Communicate through my Line:kartillone12 if you are interested you can make your offer Thank you
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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