I've been playing my own personal account for several years now and need to quit to free up time. I'm the only owner. The account is primed and ready for the current # with almost all relevant cards to create the current top decks. The account also comes with a number of other games. Legendary: 141 Epic: 308 Rare: 871 Common: 1374 You can see the full collection og cards on HSReplay: learningful#2524's Hearthstone Collection - HSReplay.net (HSReplay login included!) Available single player games: Tombs of Terror (prepurchased all chapters) The Dalaran Heist Rastakhan's Rumble The Boomsday Project The Witchwood Kobolds and Catacombs The Frozen Throne Karazhan League of Explorers Blackrock Mountain Naxxramas Total Wins: 1556 Total rank: 437 Card backs: 39 Heroes: Elise, Lunara, Malfurion, Rexxar, Jaina, Sir Annoy-o, Uther, Anduin, Madame Lazul, Maiev, Valeera, King Rastakhan, Thunder King, Thrall, Gul'dan, Garrosh. Other games on the account: Diablo III Starcraft and Starcraft II Overwatch Heroes of the Storm WoW
I can't seem to edit this listing so I've made an updated listing of the same account here: https://www.playerup.com/threads/#-...-make-the-top-decks-in-the-current-#.4113124/