Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by, 9/25/19.

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    1. Introduction
    Selling account with two end game characters.

    Wizard is a HDPS character that can be main/top dps in Tower of the Mad Mage Trial.

    Wizard stats are all capped;
    310k HP
    180k Power (200k in combat)
    80k Armpen, crit, def, and Accuracy
    127k CA
    It also has a damage modifier of 15% excluding the set bonus from either Orcus Set or Music box set (both are best sets). - what this means is that you have a minimum of 220k effective power or maximum of 245k power.

    Barbarian is lair of the mad mage ready. Due to the current state of the class, it is not worth gearing towards Tower of The Mad Mage.

    2. What the account includes

    2-1. Insignia, enchants & runestones
    9x Radiant Rank 13 Enchantment: 9 million AD
    2x Radiant Rank 12 Enchantment: 1 million AD
    2x Azure Rank 13 Enchantment: 1 million AD
    1x Black Ice Rank 14 Enchantment: .5 million AD
    1x Vorpal Rank 13: 7 million AD
    1x Elven Battle Rank 11: 5 million AD
    3x Bonding Rank 15: 7.5 million AD
    2x Empowered Rank 15: 5 million
    4x Empowered Rank 13: 4 million
    Insignias Worth 2 million AD
    TOMM Rings: 3 million
    Sub total: 45 million

    2-2. Other items
    10 Mythic Artifacts - 250k per artifact (price for reagents & wards/ does not include base artifact cost)
    Legendary Hell Fire Mount - 5 million
    Guild Level 5 + 3 repository - repository cost 2 million
    All professions (except armorsmithing) at MW 4 + 6 legendary tools - tools (1million for all tools/ 4million for all profession upgrading)
    Legendary Best in Slot Companions (2x deepcrow, 1x Tamed Velociraptor, 1x bullette pup) - (4 million for upgrading companions to legendary/ did not count base cost)
    Several Epic Best in Slot Companions (will not add in estimated worth)
    Estimated worth: 20 million

    Total Account Worth: 65 Million AD

    3. Closing words
    Above AD worth is from quantifiable items. However, it is to also note that Best in Slot gear, sets, & campaigns take alot of additional resources. Most items in 2-2. was calculated with large depreciation (too much price volatility, lack of utility for some players). Master working is a good example. Master working cost alot more than 2million to upgrade each profession. MW itself should be worth more than 10m million but, for those who dont do master crafting, it is just an interesting perk maybe worth looking into in the future.

    This account is a balance between a medium budget & super end game. It has everything it needs to exceed in end game but maintains a somewhat reasonable price tag (also has alot of neat ‘expensive’ perk.

    Price 400$ or best offert

    Contact: [email protected]
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  2. Lotus11

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    Scam. :)

    Account is mine. Beware of this scammer!
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