When does new feedback hit my profile? I have made 2 transactions that have been successfully confirmed and completed but my positive feedback is still on 39. I am only asking because I am 1 feedback away from the next tier.
It should be automated. https://www.playerup.com/trade/karmastore.149998/?reloadList=1&amountFilter[0]=1 I see one here. Make sure to click the seller - confirm delivery inside your 3 way ticket.
It should be automatic. Make sure the buyers confirms deliver, make sure you confirm delivery. If you run into problems, list some of your recent order numbers in a new middleman ticket here and then we can assist you further.
https://www.playerup.com/pages/membership Also recommend you signup for VIP status since you seem to need faster support which is available to VIP members. It costs nothing to signup. Just required to have 3+ Middleman Orders.