Hey guys, selling lvl 34 account in Silicon Reach, one of the newest regions. Most powerful base has 100M power and I have 93M power. Account has a maxed hannibal, almost 6M troops (4.5M t4 and 1.5M t3), 22K lvl 4 defenses, 71K mercernary troops (limit), Riggs lvl 100 Xira lvl 100 Ronen lvl 23 (was released a week ago). I am caught up with all research up to lvl 30 and all main buildings are lvl 32+, mash lvl 29+, barracks lvl 25+, farms lvl 20+. I have plenty of t1 and t2 resources, hero prison and memorial (released three days ago), more than half of science academy completed, cerberus and mustang vehicles, and many special/war items.