Selling  MTG Arena Account 210+ boosters 5k Gold 11k Gems 100 lvl Great for building collection

Discussion in 'Magic The Gathering Arena Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Maxmaka, 9/18/19.

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  1. Maxmaka

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    I offer great MTG Arena account for sale for anyone who would like to start the adventure and building the collection with great boost.
    It was my draft account, I still use it and collection still growing. I got 2 standard decks mono red aggro and white weenie, with which I was able to reach gold every season.

    What is in offer:
    1. First and most important: above 210 packs to open:
      • 4 Core Set 2019
      • 3 Dominaria
      • 6 Guild of Ravnica
      • 17 Ravnica Allegiance
      • 94 War of the spark
      • 83 Core set
      • +20 packs from mastery pass
    2. 5k gold
    3. 11k gems
    4. Collection: 104 Mythic 566 Rares 4969 cards total
    5. Special lands and all available card cosmetic (glass planeswalkers etc)
    6. 100 lvl mastery pass (now 93) + mastery tree:
      • 20 booster packs
      • 2.000 Gems
      • 10.000 Gold
      • 20 Card Styles
      • 25 Set Mastery Orbs
      • 10 Random Mythic Rare Cards
      • 5 Planeswalker Cards from the Core Set 2020 Planeswalker Decks
      • Uncommon and Rare Pet visual upgrades.
      • Exquisite Card Sleeve (Card Sleeve with VFX)
    7. Overall Wild cards with Vault (374%) and with all booster opened:
      * around 40 Rare Wild Cards
      * around 15 Mythic Wild Cards
    8. Gold Limited Rank/ Silver Constructed - additional 4x packs, cosmetic and gold

    In summary:
    You will receive stuff for more than 250$ if you wanted to buy them from the store plus you received a bunch of cards.
    The best thing is you can do any deck you want with all available boosters and wildcards, better just wait to rotation and see what decks will be tier 1.
    I am ready to provide any additional screens or data regarding this account, just say what you want to see. And to prove my credibility I can provide you with my seller's accounts on various sites with positive feedback, or any kind of personal information you want to check.

    Feel free to contact me here on the forums, we can take it to Discord if you'd like to have better access to talk to me. (maxmaka#7224)

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  2. OP

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    My Location:
    Just 5 more days to end of the season, last chance to get all mastery stuff :)[​IMG]

    #2 Maxmaka, 9/20/19
    Last edited: 9/20/19
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