Hello there, Here I offer the best Acc for sale you can find around the net, as far as I'm concerned. I didn't find an acc that comes even close to it. If u find one pls show me. Now right to the Datas: -Both Chocobos -Monsters: Shaddow Tomberry King on rank 80, Dark HunDun 100, Chaos HunDun 100, and lots of others -Darkelementals on max rank 5 -Dark Troops on lvl 7, but you can max it to 8 by researching. Only rss needed -Dark mercenary max lvl 8 -all heros but veteran gladiolus -all buildings (as far as I'm concerned) -18T dark gems, 16B radiating gems, tons of Gold, Diamonds, Platinum and so on. Plus more than 800B Loyality Points -more than 10000 Teleporters and more than 30 realm Teleporters. Plus more than 40 rss building Teleporters. That means you can jump around realms how ever u like. -the cit is actually on 162 but it's already working on 163 (two weeks back the max cit was 160, now it's 170, the highest I have seen is 165 - probably Millionars who put thousands of $ weekly into the game), so no rss needed for that. -you have unlimited dark resources and time reduction rg1, which means you can create unlimited dark troops up to rank 5. Only limit you have is the limit on how many you can create, which allows for a constant power of more than 1mt - Rss buildings 3x 50(max), 1x 40 and 1x Max 10 for building commanders and 1x max 10 for creating foliants -you have the ability to attack rss buildings of others and steal their stuff (I love that a lot ) - it's a feature not that many players have. -Mk transfer for lots of heros -did I forget something? Pls ask!
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Oh and you can make presents to guild members, also a feature from a pack not everyone has I just tried to find the option to upload imgs but couldn't find it. If u like some of specific things - let me know and I can send them to you in a pm