Sold K394 (recently merged), Keep 23, House 36, Dragon 30, 38 Million

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by muxunyeren, 9/16/19.

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  1. muxunyeren

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    I'm selling this account due to my real life issue. I have spent way more money on this account. It's ready to upgrade to K25. I'm active everyday and my allegiance is one of the most active and biggest allegiances (we are holding KL), so you will receive gifts and event rewards pretty well, and the following rss will still increase until it is sold.

    Food: 63m
    Wood: 188m
    Stone: 35m
    Iron: 18m
    Gold: 1.1m in total (730k on this account + 400k on an alt account, I can convert the 400k gold to any kind of rss you want, also lots of rss on the alt account)
    Steel: 18.8m
    Keystones: 6226
    Pines: 23431
    Bricks: 73078
    Flakes: 6899
    Shards: 16506
    Fragments: 57408
    Slates: 738k
    Marbles: 22.7k
    Lore: 1.2m
    Legendary livestock: 220k
    Random ports: 34
    War boosts: plenty
    Resource boosts: plenty
    Speedups: plenty
    Crafting materials: plenty

    Infantry: 280k T8
    Range: 300k T8
    Cavalry: 700k T8
    Siege: 230k T8

    So, it is Calvary focused. It's gear (mix of lvl 35 and 30), armory, research and enhancement stats are above the average. My T8s can even defeat some T9 players who have bad stats. Only few T8 players can beat me when defending sops as it is also defensive focused.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested. :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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