L120 Blader Sword:Completer 176/189 Magic: 24/66 Upgrade: Vitality Mastery L9, Reflex L8, Dmg Absorb L2, Defense Stance L7 Honour: 98k Basic Craft: L4 Professional Craft (Artifact): Orb (class2), Crystal (class2), Ring (class3), Amulet (class3) Gear: osm armorhelm +5 +20% critdamage osm armorsuit +7 +100hp osm armorglove +3 HP Steal +2% osm armorboot +0 clean with 1 slot ShadowTitanium Blade +4 +5critrate x2 Amulet of Guard +7 + 2 ROF+7 Adept L85 set EOF+6 Item: 10 solo DTs, 14 part DTs, 39 shape carti L2, tons of L2 disc, 11m+ alz and tons of other stuff. please give me a pm if ure interested ur email and offer for this account bump bump......its L121 now........ have +7 helm =D bump add mi