Hi guys im still looking to trade up on this great high lvl account, is clean w no hacking account has over 25 mil as shown i have 4 pics for you guys to look at, gear is +4 top has fs/4 +29 medials w a nice wep Fleur +5 noble has nice attk with mage skills. Im looking to see if anyone has a Cabal aCcount high lvl to trade with me. or for a last resort i will sell this high lvl account through paypal. make offers guys, good character/ good lvl/ unguilded for quit some time. You can also pvt message me here on PlayerUp.com with your offers. still up for trade or sell hm... i want it +7 set.. i pay with paypal how much? its not +7 most is +4 but took time to hit lvl 136. has 26 mil dil on account but mostly charging for the time and coins it took to lvl hey i would settle for 100 bucks in cabal astros! anyone wanna buy some and get this account ? still up for trade or sale add my email i can pay 100$ in cabal cash >bump bump let me know free BUMB