hey all. Im thinking about quitting the Game, and if i get good offers, i sell FA pro Items on Mars... Mithril Suit +6 7 m amp 5 hp auto heal ( for pvp better than mp suit ) Mithril boots +6 7 m amp 5 mp auto heal Mithril Gloves +6 with 14 m amp ( the only one on free market ) Mithril Helm +6 with 7 amp and 8 % critical Rate Osmium Battlehelm +7 with 36% critical damage Bracelet of Sage +6 x2 RW3 +6 EOS +7 Hp Rune and some else stuff... pls pm me just with OFFERS if youre really interested and make good offers... Otherwise i will keep it until i get one good... I accept (paypal, banktransfer), or alz offers... thanks.... do u acept a super strong Blader from ascabal? nope i need money not more accounts :P but ty for offer^^ bump