I want to sell my FA on jupiter server cuz i dont have time to play nowadays, post here your offers (only ? i dont want alz.) This is my equipment Mith orb+8 7%m.amp X2 osm suit+9 50hp 7%m.amp osm gloves+9 7%m.amp osm boots+9 7%m.amp osm helm+6 20DMG 6 rate AOP+5 Mergahephs ring ROL+2 CR+1 x3 Life absorb+3 x3 Vamp ear+2 Vamp ear+3 BOS+3 sloted BOS+4 Board white EOS+7 Belt of vital+3 Fancy Zard lvl7 +10m atack +5hp steal +60def rate, and 2 craps more Costume mithril battle set and suit of freed, many amp potions and sp potions (bamboo) discs and shapes of all types and entraces Craft of batlle at lvl 3 65/98% except suits are at lvl 2, and basic craft lvl 4 Bump bump it up bump bump bump bumping a little xD bumping up bump bump bump bumpinggg bump rebump