Sold WTB> High-end acc anywhere around 1000-2000$

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/hirosuke_, 9/7/19.

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  1. /u/hirosuke_

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    Must have : FLB Eternals (all), Shiva, Anila, Doggo, Andira

    Optional: S.Grea, Cain, Alexiel, Yurius, Grimnir, Kumbira

    Grids must be M2 or their equivalent(or better) Primal

    Will pay anywhere from $1000-2000 depending on what more you have, how your grid looks, if you have oracles, if you have uncapped the seraphic weaps, dark opus weaps etc etc.

    Middleman on me.

    Discord ID: Frost#7153

    # #/hirosuke_
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