Wts WA 182 Mercury Items: St. armorhelm+9 15%rate/24%cdacc bind osmium armoursuit +10 7amp/2max. rate St. armorboots+6 7amp/40 max hp steal per hitchar. bind Osmiumgloves+11 7amp/2hp stealchar bind. > Mith GS+12 6amp/40 dmg Accesories: -Arionell mercenary - 560kk alz -Killian Ring -Tyrant Ring -2xCr+2 -aop+5 -2xVe+6 -Bof+6 -Prideus Bracellets >>14%cd -Blet of Vital+4 -Kred Others: No EOF -have more dungeons -bm3 -sw amp potionsx2 -sp potions lv3x7 -flee potions lv 3 x9 Runes: -Sw. amp lv4 -Max crit rate lv3 -Crit dmg lv5 -Attack lv 12 -Def rate lv 15 -Party exp lv 10 -Hp lv 15 -Dex lv 1 -Str lv 1 -Att rate lv 15 -Skill exp per hit lv 5 -Max Hp steal per hit lv 15 -Mp absorb up lv 1 -Defense lv 10 -Mp lv 2 Epic Blends Att blend + 100 lv 1 Sw. amp blend +12% sw amp lv2 Defensless blend -200 lv 1 Im not going first!! If u want buy u put money on paypal after that we can make the transfer in game.if u arent agree with this dont add me . TY This way or with MM Make offers.... c/o 130 euro 200 euro QSP,,,need money FAST MAKE OFFERS Hr-12.54% Procyon Pets Armaku lv3- 2 slot item drop 100%...... Skype: tzontzo94 SELL WORLD OF TANKS account for euro TOP TIERS: -e100 -IS7 rest: type59 prem tank - T32 -t28 researced american td -m40/43 american arty -more low tier tanks 4-5-6 12 slot in garage What do you want for it? Euro bump !! do you the acc or char? i have the char on my account i mean do you sell the acc? yea i sell the acc if u want but is better to transfer char on ur own acc if ill sell account u cant change the email cost for transfer is 25kcc bump bump bump!! bump bump bump