Sold End Game, High End Account -- 1024 Mythril , God Wall, 4xAASB, 100 6* items ,everything you need

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zephyruzz, 8/20/19.

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  1. Zephyruzz

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    After 3 years playing this game, it is finally time to call it a day. Real life sucks :-(

    This is an account that has being nurtured and played daily. There is still a lot of content to go through, I have not levelled all characters and tons of dungeons yet to clear. I will continue to clear all event dungeons as it comes though the account will be played on hibernation mode.

    Did i mention I have over 970 Mythril with easily 20-30 more to collect from dungeons alone. I don't even want to know what the price is equal in terms of GEMS!

    There is DIVINE VEIL GRIMORE, BUFFS both magical, physical, Damage dealing Awakening like Orlandeau, Bartz, Squall, Sora. In short you can transition into the end game immediately.

    I have saved and scrimped by only pulling mostly during GOD LIKE BANNERS or at FESTIVE BANNERS though to be honest, you should be able to clear just about everything with the items I have.

    I have attached a Soul Break list of items in inventory as CSV below for reference.

    The Good Stuff
    Mythril = 970 as of 19th August 2019 (See below likely another 29 mythril to collect just from Record Dungeon)
    Stamina = 228 , another 29 record dungeon to clear

    6* Weapons

    4 x Awakening SB = Squall , Bartz, Orlandeau, Sora
    11 x A O SB = Sephiroth, Bartz, Krile, Kefka, Edea, Garland, Sora, Riku, cloud, Tyro, Noctis
    9 x CSB = Kain, Tidus, Rinoa, Gilgamesh, Reno, Faris, Vincent, Prompto, Krile
    24 x OSB
    Onion Knight P-USB + M-USB buffs
    58 x USB

    108 6* weapons/armor alone!

    For the rest of the BSB/SSB/SB.... well I'm not going to bother counting. Let just say its like 500-600 easily or more.

    Please note, that is for each category, ie wisdom, bravery etc etc
    5* Motes = mostly 4000 for each category
    4* Motes = mostly 6000,7000 for each category
    6* Crystals = 600 to 1000 for each category

    Every single character unlocked at least what I know. If not, I have enough Crystal to unlock any new ones.
    There should be enough eggs to level just about everyone too 80 or higher.

    GIL = I don't even want to know why people list this.

    Mastery Cleared
    All Magicite
    Most events

    Whats not cleared
    Record Dungeon only at Chapter 2, it is currently at Chapter 5
    FFII Torment
    Lord of Knight Odin Mastery
    Magicite not levelled
    Tons of characters yet to level
    Loads of Record Materia to collect. I have collected the essential like 5 XP gaining, etc etc etc etc

    Share CSV files online - ShareCSV

    Deal in Paypal. Transfer via Facebook. link.

    Pricing #, hoping it goes to someone to keep the fight going.

    Lastly, the value of mythril alone is 20 x 11 Relic Pulls or ~600 USD! I'm pricing this to go
    #1 Zephyruzz, 8/20/19
    Last edited: 8/20/19
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  2. OP

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    Further to above.

    110 x 6 Star Natural Items of note.


    Character Realm Soul Break Tier
    Bartz V Tetra Spellblade AASB
    Orlandeau FFT Sword Saint's Savvy AASB
    Sora KH Master Hearts AASB
    Squall VIII Freezing End AASB
    Bartz V Crystalline Focus AOSB
    Edea VIII Grief Judgment AOSB
    Garland I Scion of Malice AOSB
    Kefka VI Magitek Triad AOSB
    Krile V Raging Hellfire AOSB
    Riku KH Aura of Darkness AOSB
    Sephiroth VII Setting Sun AOSB
    Sora KH Ragnarok AOSB
    Cloud VII Sonic Braver AOSB1
    Noctis XV Critical Link AOSB1
    Tyro Core Link of Light AOSB1

    Faris V Eternal Bond CSB
    Gilgamesh V Historic Splendor CSB
    Kain IV Impulse Drive CSB
    Prompto XV Custom Starshell CSB
    Reno VII Chain of Thunder CSB
    Rinoa VIII Shiva CSB
    Tidus X A Fleeting Dream CSB
    Vincent VII Cerberus Soul CSB
    Krile V Unbroken Chain CSB1

    Beatrix IX Rose Finale USB
    Ceodore IV Trinity Slash USB
    Cid (VII) VII Dynamite Boost USB
    Fujin VIII Storm USB
    Gordon II A Leader Wakes USB
    Haurchefant XIV Live to Serve USB
    Kefka VI Magitek Rampage USB
    Kelger V Lupine Attack USB
    Marach FFT Khamja Collusion USB
    Minfilia XIV Call of the Stars USB
    Orlandeau FFT Sword Saint USB
    Prompto XV Trigger Happy (XV) USB
    Quina IX Culinary Curiosity USB
    Raijin VIII Dragon Soaring USB
    Reks XII Son of Dalmasca USB
    Shantotto XI A Thousand Suns USB
    Sora KH Strike Raid USB
    Ace Type-0 Jackpot Triad USB1
    Aerith VII Hidden Bloom USB1
    Agrias FFT Loyal Blade USB1
    Alma FFT Sacred Barrier USB1
    Aria III Seaborne Encounter USB1
    Basch XII Clash of Light and Flame USB1
    Cloud VII Ultra Cross Slash USB1
    Eiko IX Guardian Mog USB1
    Elarra Core Magika Album USB1
    Faris V Phantom USB1
    Garnet IX Trance Ramuh USB1
    Kain IV Luminous Dragon USB1
    Larsa XII Potions Aplenty USB1
    Leon II Lord of Darkness USB1
    Lightning XIII Army of One USB1
    Nabaat XIII Giver of Pain USB1
    Noctis XV Armiger Wakes USB1
    Paine X Rushing Steel USB1
    Ramza FFT History's Truth USB1
    Relm VI Divine Portrait USB1
    Rem Type-0 Manalchemy USB1
    Rikku X Hyper Mighty G USB1
    Rinoa VIII Angel Wing Frost Vortex USB1
    Rosa IV Benediction USB1
    Seifer VIII Forbidden Fellslash USB1
    Snow XIII Dogged Hero USB1
    Tidus X Day to Remember USB1
    Tifa VII Meteodrive USB1
    Tyro Core Warder's Apocrypha USB1
    Vaan XII Cruelest Azure USB1
    Agrias FFT Divine Devastation USB2
    Bartz V Crystals' Chosen USB2
    Faris V Pirate Princess USB2
    Fran XII Sparkchill Fang USB2
    Lenna V Tycoon Princess USB2
    Ramza FFT Seeker of Truth USB2
    Tyro Core Fantasy Unbound USB2
    Vivi IX King of Jump Rope USB2
    Wakka X Aurochs' Shot USB2
    Bartz V Essence of Wind USB3
    Lenna V Essence of Water USB3
    Tyro Core Divine Veil Grimoire USB3

    Ashe XII Thunder's Echo OSB
    Auron X Unwavering Resolve OSB
    Ayame XI Ancestral Blade OSB
    Balthier XII S-85 Cyclotrone OSB
    Bartz V Hand of the Crystals OSB
    Fang XIII Soaring Spear OSB
    Fujin VIII Into the Storm OSB
    Garland I Discord Incarnate OSB
    Kain IV Kain's Lance OSB
    Locke VI Miracle of Kohlingen OSB
    Luneth III Heavenly Gust OSB
    Onion Knight III Sword and Spell OSB
    Orlandeau FFT Thunder God OSB
    Papalymo XIV Flareja OSB
    Queen Type-0 Gate of Destiny OSB
    Rinoa VIII Angelstar OSB
    Rydia IV Eidolon Emissary OSB
    Sephiroth VII Heaven's Light OSB
    Squall VIII Sub-Zero Blast OSB
    Strago VI Blue Soul OSB
    Tifa VII Meteor Strike OSB
    Tyro Core Arbiter's Apocrypha OSB
    Vivi IX Life's Torch OSB
    Cloud VII Finishing Touch OSB1
    Cloud VII Cherry Blossom (FFT) OSB2

    Onion Knight Buffs
    Onion Knight III Forbidden Wisdom m-USB
    Onion Knight III Forbidden Power p-USB
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    Price Revised for quciker sale. 125 USD Paypal. Mythril is now ~ 1030 etc and will keep growing as I will not be spending them on any PULLS
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    Account sold. I have another account to sell as above
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