Money Making Guide v2

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    Here is the link to my first Money Making Guide.

    Money Making Guide v1

    Note: Do not, I repeat, Do NOT bump the thread within the link that I have posted.


    Announcement: Due to the leakage of the carat #, this guide will no longer be continued.

    It will, however, be continued when and if the carat # gets patched. I'm not sure if people will still be needing this but, what ever.

    Woot. Its been a few months since my first money making guide. It helped out a few people but with the arrival of new people to , hopefully this guide will help out many more.

    These are the fastest ways that I earn my carats. I hope this will do the same for you. This guide is mainly for those who doesn't know how to earn carats or they are too lazy to earn them. Seeing room entitled "Som1 gift m3 taekwondo pl0x"

    1.The Boss is FIRED!

    Ever since boss mode came out in rumble fighter, you can earn some decent carats from this. Also some decent EXP points as well. What makes you add to your earnings in boss mode is the coins dropped by the bosses henchmen. This counts for the Ogre, the goblin, and the annoying goblin dog. If your in a full room (3 people) you will complete the stage quick and you will aern your carats....quick. I'd say 100 carats or more. Depending on the on your progress. What you can also do is play solo mode, but with multiclient. If you just do 1 player boss mode, you have a low chance on getting the chest. Heres what I did. I had three clients, two newly made accounts, and my main. Now, only do this if you can solo the mode all the way. Your main should be doing all the work. When you finish the game, your main will earn massive carats because of the completion and all the coins you have collected along the way. For your newbs, they will earn decent carats. Since they are newly made, the carats add up to the 2k they start with. They also get EXP points so they level up. (Note: A little EXP) Gift your main the earnings from your newbs.

    (Carat Rate = 100 carats or more)

    (Reccomendations = None)

    2.Kick Butt

    As the name implies, just fight. I said this in my first guide. Rumble Fighter is a fighting game. Fighting is 1 way to earn carats. It might not look like it, but its quick. I reccomend Team Mode for this. The people in your team might be enough just to defeat the opposing team.

    (Carat Rate = 100 carats or more for winners)

    (Reccomendations = Use Glacier Stage)

    3.Zombie Paradise

    Now that zombie mode is here, heres one way you can earn carats. For every round of hitting and dodging zombies, you can earn about 60 carats for staying alive for a reasonable amount of time and a decent number of zombies killed. If you can kill alot of zombies, you can earn 100 carats or more. I think this is a very slow way of earning. And yet I think its fast at the same time. I don't know why. You tell me.

    (Carat Rate = 60 Carats for decent progress. 100 for excellent performance.)

    (Reccomendations = Avoid the Zombie Barf and pick-up the food)

    4.Buy Carats o_o

    Alright, theres only one way, ONE, that I trust and know is a legit way of buying carats. If you know about Cloud203 and [JDboy]'s site, they sell carats for a reasonable price. I guess if you spend a certain amount of money buying their carats, you get a 50k bonus for free? They accept astros or USD. If you want to buy carats with your money, I reccomend you going to their site. PM Cloud203 or [JDboy] for the site. I won't post it here because it would count as advertisement. Or just PM anyone else for the site URL. You have to sign up.

    (Carat Rate = As much you can buy)

    (Reccomendations = Don't waste their time. Really.)

    5.# Involved?

    If you read the title, don't start thinking about carat hacks. They don't exsist. Use the following hacks to earn carats, the # way.

    -Zombie #: Earn carats from zombie mode while you are away.

    -[JDboy] 1 hit KO: Buy his #, and you earn fast carats in boss mode and zombie mode.

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